Ina's blog

Friday, January 12, 2007

Courses at UT

H111 - Shooting WorkshopPerfect for the first year photo student. Learn how to be master of your camera. Composition, light metering in tricky situations, bulb and flash will all be covered. Bring your questions and your cameras! Materials: camera and film

H101 - Tips and Tricks for Digital ImagingLearn the basics of Adobe Photoshop. Designed for students or teachers who have limited experience with Photoshop. Materials: none

H116 - Large-Format PhotographyLearn some of the basics of photographing with 4x5 film and cameras. Materials: none

H104 - The Creative Side of PhotoshopUse Adobe Photoshop to create amazing illustrations or works of art. Learn about some of the filters and other tools that let you create images from scratch. Materials: none

I'm really interested inlearning more about photography and about editing pictures in photoshop. I had at some assignments a little trouble in photoshop, because the program was totally new to me and I really would like to learn more about it.
I also would like to learn more about how to shoot well so that I can take what I've laerned back to Germany and if it is fun I could keep on shooting stuff just as a hobby, becasue we do not have any classes dealing with photography, except eventually art.


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