Ina's blog

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Manipulating beauty

in the video we watched they changed a lot in the face of the woman. first they put tons of make up in her face, that her skin seemed to be absolute and perfect. After shooting her face in the right light, they worked on it in Photoshop. It was made darker and the eyes were made unnatural big. I think they changed the whole language of the face when they changed the eyes. There was no more natural emotion in it left, it was all created by the computer.

I think it's not ok to advertise for a product in that way. They tell the people lies when they show those "photoshop" women on their advertisings, especially when they show before and after pictures or when they advertise for a natural product! In my opinion changing pictures is in some cases ok, but in this certain case I'm against it.
I think watching those pictures makes people disaffected. they want to be as unnatural perfect as the woman on the picture. on the other side I can understand that the labels want to make money and that this kind of advertising is a good receipe for this. Because there are probably still such persons in the world buying the product after seeing the comercial which tells the lie that they would look perfect with the product.


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