Ina's blog

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I really like the composition of this picture and especially that you look a little bit up to the kids.
i think this underlines the emotions of the children and it makes the picture interesting to watch.

For this picture i only can say that guzy was at the right moment at the right place. even if I don't really like the picture is it a great work and

this picture is a great shot and is really emotional. When i ook at it i have to think about what happened to the little boy...

Carol Guzy: born on March 7 1956 in Betlehem, Pa

carol guzy won three times the pulitzer prize;

1. 1986 for a aftermath of an errution of a vulcano in columbia , worked with The Miami Herald
2. for coverage of Haiti (Washington Post)
3. 1995 for Post's coverage of Kosovo

Carol Guzy started working at Miami Herald in 1980, after finding out that the job as a nurse wasn't her career. She worked for the newspaper until 1988, when she bacame a member of the team of the Washington Post. Guzy still continues her career at the Washington Post today.
She also is the only woman who won three Pulitzer prices.

Carol guzy wants to catch " people's most intimate moments; their joys and sorrows, their triumphes and tragedies" in her shots.

"Photographers spend a lot of time looking for the right light. But the most important light we glimpse and attempt to capture is the radiance within every being." Carol Guzy

Friday, October 20, 2006

winnerFall contest; sarah gross San antonio

I really like that picture, because it's something really special and the technique how it's made sounds interesting. i would like to try a shoot like this one.

Friday, October 13, 2006

My computer

Number: J26

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


What does the quantity of light entering the camera affect:

The quantity of light entering the camera affects the object you're shooting. When you have lower quantity of light you automatically have a lower shutter speed, too. So it's neccessary that you go closer to the object with your camera that it can get the right shutterspeed that is needed.
It also affects the depth of field, the higher the quantity of light, the the lower is the depth of field.
The contrast also can be higher when you have a higher quantity of light.


What is soft (difused) light?What type of source does it come from?What effect does it have?
soft or defused light is light that is not real harsh and soread out.
It eighter comes from a lighter space or artificial defuser. It also can come from an indirect light, that is bounced off from sometging else. all in all it makes the the object lighter.

What is hard (direct) light?What type of source does it come from?What effect does it have?
hard light is a light that goes directly from the source to the object. For example the sun or a direct flash are hard lights.
The effect is that the object is really bright and you have to be careful that it isn't too bright for seeing the details. When you stand directly infront of a person and the backround is darker and you use a hard flash you probably won't see any details in the object.

What is front light good for?What is front light bad for?
It's good for seeing the details and it's a neutral wy of shooting sth, so you don't see that there is light shining on the object.
But it;s bad for seeing details in the backround and you often can't find any visual clues that it's an 3-dimensional object, because there are no shadows.

What is side light good for?What is side light bad for?
Side light is good for adding depth and you get a really good 3-D effect. Sometimes it also brings a mysterious effect with it.
It's bad for seeing deatils , because normally one half is in shadow.

What is back light good for?What is a possible problem with back light
Backlight is really good for creating a silhouette (when more light is coming from the backround than bouncing off the object). it's also good for seeing the backround.
One possible problem that you can't see the details of the object.

Friday, October 06, 2006

my picture

my picture
Originally uploaded by Inschebinsche.

The human knotI shoot from the high of Lisa's face, not from a special angle. I used the moment when I got her right infront of me, when no others were covering the face, so you can see the emotions and I think you still can see, without a dramatic special angle, action in the picture.Printing the Photo was actually really interesting for me, I've never been in touch with Shooting and Printing before!One group went into the dark room to produce the negatives and later we developed our photo.

When I look at my picture I like that I shoot her face in the center and that the picture is not blurry. (compared to the rest of my shoots...)I think I could have choosen a better position to shoot, that the picture becomes more intersting. And I'm not totally satisfied with the colors.

shutter speed

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The worst picture I shot

Originally uploaded by Inschebinsche.
This is defenitely the worst picture from my shooting.Unfortunately there are some more which look kind of like this under my shoots .

As you can see the focus is placed totally wrong, it's in the backround. The person in the front is blurry, because he wasn't in focus and probably the shutter speed was too slow.
The next problem is that the boy is really dark on the picture, this is because the backround is brighter than the object I wanted to shoot.

I've learned that it's really important to focus the right place, to put up the shutter speed (at least at 60) and to look at the backround of your object and how you can get into a right position if the backround is too bright.

Best picture I shot

Originally uploaded by Inschebinsche.
All in all I think this is the best picture I shot, but I have to say that I'm not completely satisfied with it.
The focus is on the blond girls hand, what should emphasize what she's doing.
The composition rules are mostly followed, but the picture seems to be alittle bit blurry.
I shot looking down on her, what makes she looking smaller.
I've learned that i have to look more on the shutter speed and on the focus in the future.

shutter speed

blurry pic
Originally uploaded by Inschebinsche.


When you shoot with a too low sutter speed tyhe pictures comes out very blurry when there is movement in it. Keep in mind to look always that your shutter speed is 60 or higher!!!