Ina's blog

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I really like the composition of this picture and especially that you look a little bit up to the kids.
i think this underlines the emotions of the children and it makes the picture interesting to watch.

For this picture i only can say that guzy was at the right moment at the right place. even if I don't really like the picture is it a great work and

this picture is a great shot and is really emotional. When i ook at it i have to think about what happened to the little boy...

Carol Guzy: born on March 7 1956 in Betlehem, Pa

carol guzy won three times the pulitzer prize;

1. 1986 for a aftermath of an errution of a vulcano in columbia , worked with The Miami Herald
2. for coverage of Haiti (Washington Post)
3. 1995 for Post's coverage of Kosovo

Carol Guzy started working at Miami Herald in 1980, after finding out that the job as a nurse wasn't her career. She worked for the newspaper until 1988, when she bacame a member of the team of the Washington Post. Guzy still continues her career at the Washington Post today.
She also is the only woman who won three Pulitzer prices.

Carol guzy wants to catch " people's most intimate moments; their joys and sorrows, their triumphes and tragedies" in her shots.

"Photographers spend a lot of time looking for the right light. But the most important light we glimpse and attempt to capture is the radiance within every being." Carol Guzy


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