Ina's blog

Monday, April 30, 2007

Professional Electronic Essay Critique

1. What type of photo essay is this?
the introspective Photographer
2. How many photos are included?
3. How long is it?
around 3 minutess
4. What kind of impact does it have on you (main message) and how is this achieved?
It shows how rough it is to live in the Texas Youth Comission. It seems like they are too young to already have done something to have to live there. I think the purpose of the essay is to inform people about the life in there and it is achieved through the informative pictures and the interview of the boy.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

electronic essay-

Dog race in Buda this saturday...I think I am gonna talk to some dogowners and will report about their dogs :)
If possible, I would need a camera this weekend

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yearbook layout preview

good white space : The picture don't really go around in a pinwheel and go over each other. There is also no dominant picture. The heading is large, but because of the color choice not really attention getting. Even though the side has more white space a normal site should have, I really like the way they used it. I think the side does lead to the pictures and there a no other distractions that could the viewer lead to other elements of the side.

good pictures : There is a good dominant picture. Not good is that they left no space in between the text and the pictures on the left, it seems very crammed together. There is also a too big whit space where the gutter is.

good art : They changed the pictures in form, what woul make a normal side most probably very weird looking, but in this case I liked how they worked their pictures into the page. I think it looks very creative and the "white" space was also used wisely. There is no Horizontal Eyeline. There are more than 5-7 pictures , and no dominant text.

good text : here we also can't really find an horizontal eyeline. They left enough space in between the text and the headlines are dominant. They also broke the norm of a normal page with their interesting choice of textboxes :) The numbers in the boxes lead pretty well to the next point, without them I would probably be lost on the page. No dominant text.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


best architecture pictures

Monday, April 09, 2007

Electronic Photo Essays from Akins students last year

1. The introspective photographer - Photographer discusses taking the photos that appear on screen as they appear. Photographer gives insight into the photographic process and what he or shee was going for in the photo.
Old building

2. The first person documentary - The subjects of the documentary are interviewed and their actual voice(s) are used to tell a story.
I love soccer

3. The narrated documentary - The photographer tells a true story using photos to illustrate the points.
Marley fest

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Extra Picture


Patterns: I think that the repetition of the squares at the wall lets the room look longer. The simplicity of the wall makes the whole room look bigger and higher.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Surrounding: I like that it shows off so well that our school is located in such an idyllic environment. :)


Angles: I like that I shot the picture upwards, I think because of the stairs and the
columns there are a lot of different angles in the picture.


Lighting: This was my favorite lighting shot, because you can see the very
interesting way how light can come into the library through the roof.
I think it makes a nice atmosphere and seems really cosy :)

Monday, April 02, 2007


Detail: This is probably the most detailed picture I shot. Since it is really close it shows off very detailed of the texture of the bench.