Ina's blog

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Friday, March 23, 2007

Architectural Photography Preview

Lights: The sky and the lighting at the building makes the building really nice looking and it seems really new and modern

Detail: This close shot shows the intersting way to produce nice lighy in the theatre very detailed.

Angles: This is a nice shot showing different angles in the building. It seems like one wall is round and I like the open area in the middle

Surrounding: This is a nice shot of our school. The tree and the green field shoe how idyllic the area around the school is. :)

Patterns: The repetition of all the seats, the lights and the roof patterns make the room look really large and calm.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Copyrighted Photos
Definition: Copyright is a protection that covers published and unpublished literary, scientific and artistic works, whatever the form of expression, provided such works are fixed in a tangible or material form.

Stock Photos
Definition: stock photography is not public domain. These images, although provided to you for free or a fee, are not being given to you in ownership. You are being allowed to use them if you comply with the owner's terms and conditions

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Definition: graphic images (including web graphics, stock photos, logos and other digital art), writings, HTML, cascading style sheets, javascripts or anything else that has been placed in the public domain does not grant you the right to claim copyright to it just because you find it.

Royalty free photos
Definition: This contrasts to rights managed images which are rented for a specific, one-time use at a price that is determined by the scope of that particular usage.

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Definition:a model release is a document that stipulates the terms under which one party may use pictures taken of another party.