Ina's blog

Thursday, September 21, 2006

best pic

best pic
Originally uploaded by Inschebinsche.
This is a really good picture because it shows emotion,a story, and it's shoot out of an interesting angle. The photographer shoot from the low and the boy seems to be tough.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Avoiding mergers

Avoiding mergers
Originally uploaded by Inschebinsche.
Laird Morgan takes a moment with his thoughts before the First United Methodist Church of Sachse pays tribute to the victims and heros of September's terrorist attacks. Community members gathered together to honor their local police and firefighters, speak of their emotions, and hear the first performance of an original song written by local musician Johnny Vizina. "Stand Up America" was performed by Vizina and the FUMC choir.


Originally uploaded by Inschebinsche.
The Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Devil Rays stand along the foul lines at Fenway Park in Boston as a priest reads a prayer in remembrance of the terrorist attack victims of September 11, 2001. All major league teams held ceremonies to pay respects to the 3000 killed in the World Trade Center collapse.


Originally uploaded by Inschebinsche.
Large girders lay atop the ruins of the World Trade Center late on September 11

rule of thirds

rule of thirds
Originally uploaded by Inschebinsche.
113001-Angel Morales, 22, sailor on the Navy ship and USS Destroyer Bulkeley. The new destroyer is commissioning in NYC. Angel Morales is from Queens, N.Y. and he is saluting as he passes ground zero.


Originally uploaded by Inschebinsche.
Local Muslim Riad Musa squeezes into a tight corridor of boxes in the back of his Shreveport, LA, store to observe a few minutes of prayer. Beginning Nov. 17, Musa will be observing Ramadan, an international Islamic holiday, which includes praying five times a day and fasting for a month.


Originally uploaded by Inschebinsche.
Shadow of the flag reflects in the granite wall near Penn Station in New York City as passers-by view one of the thousands of Missing Posters plastered throughout the city.


charity race

This is a picture which shows definitely non posed emotions and has a story. The two peolple might be happy about their race... becaus of this I like this picture.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by ina5.
Tomas Rojas, right, connects a punch to the face of Luis Maldonado during the fifth round of their 10-round super flyweight match at the Dodge Arena on Saturday night. Both fighters suffered large cuts above their eyes, but the fight continued with Maldonado winning the bout in a split decision.

There are many things that differ the new age camera we will use for photo j and the obscura camera.We need a camera we can take around places the old camera was not portable. we also need a camera with falsh and that can capture movements that is something the obscura family could not do.Emulsion is when ligth is reflected off an item into a camera lense making cristals get compact or loser depending on the ammount of ligth.

essential parts needed for a camera

Some essential parts of a camera are the mirror it allows light to travel into the lense and reflect it off to the lcd plate. Another important part of the camera make a picture.the main swicth is also important along with the shutter release button it allows you to control the time you take the picture.


1. You are about to shoot a sprint at a track meet, and your shutter speed is set to 60, which of the following should you do, and why?

A) Increase shutter speed
B) Leave the speed at where it is
C) Lower shutter speedyou will have to speed up to shutter speed if you want to capture everything

2. You are shooting outside on a bright, sunny day, and you want to make sure that you get as much stuff in focus as possible. Which of the following F-stops is best, and why?

A) F2
B) F8
C) F22F22 will be the best option because you need a smaller pening to get evrything in focus.

Friday, September 01, 2006

welcome to my blog

How to make real negatives

To make nagatives you first have to put the film out of the camera and make it around the reel (in the darkroom!) .Then the reel goes on the center column and both is put into a tank. A cap , which is light proof, is given on the top. Then comes a lid on top that the chemical can't go out anymore.Now you have to shake it around 15 seconds.
You attach chemical developer (68 degree) and later comes the stop bath, which stops the developer.
Now you attach the fixer what makes it permanent. After it follows the water wash or a fixer remover-and ready is the negative!!