Ina's blog

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Flower Photography

What is macro photography?
1. What's the main advantage of macro photography? You can get very close to your object and meanwhile most of the digital cameras have such a macro mode, that allows coming very close, already built in.
2. What are the limitations? The very narrow depth of field is a limitation. Since it is at such a close shot very short, the picture attends to blurr easily. Another limitation is the slow shutter speed. The aperture is so small in macro mode, that it takes longer to take the picture.

Photographing flowers in nature - Mind the sun
3. What are the best lighting conditions for shooting flowers outside? Bright but overcast days

Be careful of the wind
4. What are two things you can do to minimize the effects of the wind? One way would be to stand between the flower and the wind another is to just be patient and wait till the breeze is less strong.

Get up close
5. What does the writer suggest for the number of flowers to get in the frame? The number in the frame should be an odd number of flowers, because that appears more to the eye. 3 or 5 flowers are a good amount.

Watch for shadows
6. What are three things that might cast bad shadows? It could be a tree, building or even you yourself that might cast bad shadows.

Use a tripod
7. What are some of the advantages of using a tripod? the tripod steadies your camera. Because of the macro mode we have a longer exposure time and the tripod reduces the chance that the picture will turn out blurry. It also helps if you want to shoot something out of a position that would be very uncomfortable for us.

Choose your background carefully
8. What's the main thing to avoid with the background? If the background is too similar in color

Respect the environment
9. What's the main idea of this section? First it tells you if you want to take pretty pictures in nature you need to keep it pretty. It also encourages to just care more about the environment.

Photographing flower gardens10.
What might you want to do with a flower garden? to get a big picture you may want to switch from macro mode to landscape mode.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Electronic Essay

Since I couldn't shoot the dog race in Buda last Saturday, I most likely will make my essay about my hostmom's love to dogs and how she rescued the two dogs she is possesing.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Professional Electronic Essay Critique

1. What type of photo essay is this?
the introspective Photographer
2. How many photos are included?
3. How long is it?
around 3 minutess
4. What kind of impact does it have on you (main message) and how is this achieved?
It shows how rough it is to live in the Texas Youth Comission. It seems like they are too young to already have done something to have to live there. I think the purpose of the essay is to inform people about the life in there and it is achieved through the informative pictures and the interview of the boy.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

electronic essay-

Dog race in Buda this saturday...I think I am gonna talk to some dogowners and will report about their dogs :)
If possible, I would need a camera this weekend

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yearbook layout preview

good white space : The picture don't really go around in a pinwheel and go over each other. There is also no dominant picture. The heading is large, but because of the color choice not really attention getting. Even though the side has more white space a normal site should have, I really like the way they used it. I think the side does lead to the pictures and there a no other distractions that could the viewer lead to other elements of the side.

good pictures : There is a good dominant picture. Not good is that they left no space in between the text and the pictures on the left, it seems very crammed together. There is also a too big whit space where the gutter is.

good art : They changed the pictures in form, what woul make a normal side most probably very weird looking, but in this case I liked how they worked their pictures into the page. I think it looks very creative and the "white" space was also used wisely. There is no Horizontal Eyeline. There are more than 5-7 pictures , and no dominant text.

good text : here we also can't really find an horizontal eyeline. They left enough space in between the text and the headlines are dominant. They also broke the norm of a normal page with their interesting choice of textboxes :) The numbers in the boxes lead pretty well to the next point, without them I would probably be lost on the page. No dominant text.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


best architecture pictures